it’s not a quirk, it’s a symptom: growing up undiagnosed with Katrina Billing [S1E15]

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In this season’s penultimate episode, Elle interviews her younger sister Katrina about growing up autistic and undiagnosed, and how learning to navigate both their neurodivergences and their mental health has facilitated a relationship that wasn’t possible 20 years ago. Elle and Katrina have been described as “exactly the same but totally different” as well as “the day version and the night version”; in this episode you get to meet Science Katrina, the perfect foil to Humanities Elle.

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Guest Spotlight: Katrina Billing

Katrina Billing is a certified clinical research coordinator. She has been part of several groundbreaking pharmaceutical trials as well as some boring ones. She makes her home in Minnesota with her fiance, his two children, two dogs and a cat. She is 100% the person who has a closet just for her dog's clothing. She is also Elle’s younger sister.

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still connected, still tired: a season one recess [S1E16]


St. Winkus, pandemic pets, and the origins of Hoorf! [S1E14]