it takes a village to break a spine: the unexpected journey through disability and creativity with Jordan Thornquest [S3E7]

Elle Billing hosts Jordan Thornquest, a musician and game developer on the first episode of 2025. They exchange memories of Jordan's 2020 car accident in Twin Falls, which aside from being an insurance nightmare, left him with a spinal injury and a long recovery. Jordan reflects on how the accident changed his perspective on disability, pain, self-care, and creativity. Elle and Jordan illuminate the life-altering experience of acquired disability, highlighting the importance of empathy, patience, and understanding chronic pain.

Links to connect with Jordan, as well as all other resource links, are in the full show notes at

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Guest Spotlight: Jordan Thornquest

black and white image: Jordan Thornquest is a white man in his late 20s, with floppish, medium-length brown hair and a trim brown beard. He has round wire-rim glasses and a slight smile.

Jordan Thornquest is a music maker and game developer living in Philadelphia.

See the transcript: pdf | webpage

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The Failure Experiment: cyberpunk and the art of collaboration, with Ricki Cummings [S3E8]


all I want for Christmas is Moo (Deng), with Ricki Cummings [S3E6]